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大连海洋大学学报  2020, Vol. 35 Issue (4): 570-576    DOI: 10.16535/j.cnki.dlhyxb.2019-173
大连海洋大学 食品科学与工程学院,辽宁 大连 116023
Effects of pre-slaughter stress on muscular metabolism and quality of farmed turbot Scophthalmus maximus
YI Hongli, LIU Junrong*, WANG Xuanfei, LENG Hanbing, TIAN Yuanyong, XU Tanye
College of Food Science and Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China
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摘要 为探索鲜活大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus (体质量730~780 g)产品品质的调控机制,分别从致死方式、冰藏稳定性和应激恢复等方面,探索了捕后处置对大菱鲆肌肉生化特性的影响,并与市售鲜活大菱鲆(体质量为720~750 g)产品进行了分析比较,试验设无应激组(断髓速杀)、锁鲜组(无应激组冰藏7 d)、窒息组(疲劳致死)、应激恢复组(活鱼充氧运输后暂养7 d)、活品组(市售)和濒死组(市售)6组,分别进行肌肉ATP关联物、糖原、乳酸、pH值及蛋白组分分析。结果表明:死前应激状态对大菱鲆品质影响极大,无应激组大菱鲆肌肉ATP含量为2.95 μmol/g,窒息组ATP则全部降解,肌肉糖原含量及pH值分别由5.28 mg/g及7.10下降至3.06 mg/g及6.61,锁鲜组大菱鲆具有良好的贮藏保鲜效果;在冰藏初期随着ATP的降解IMP迅速积累,在贮藏2 d时肌肉IMP含量达到最大值(9.81 μmol/g),贮藏6 d时仍能维持较高水平(6.52 μmol/g);捕后的暂养处置具有应激恢复效果,大菱鲆经采捕运输后(0 d)ATP含量仅为1.31 μmol/g,暂养2 d时肌肉ATP呈现上升趋势,暂养4 d时达最大值(4.26 μmol/g),暂养7 d时肌肉糖原含量由初始点(0 d)4.49 mg/g恢复至8.17 mg/g;市售鲜活大菱鲆品质具较大提升空间,活品组ATP含量仅为1.70 μmol/g,而濒死组ATP几乎全部降解,且均有显著的肌球蛋白及肌动蛋白降解现象。研究表明,离水即刻速杀冰藏处置的锁鲜品相对于市售大菱鲆具有优越的肌肉品质,捕后暂养处置能有效降低大菱鲆采捕运输产生疲劳应激导致的产品品质劣变。
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关键词:  大菱鲆  捕后处置  死前应激  肌肉品质    
Abstract: Contents of ATP and related compounds, glycogen, and lactic acid, pH and protein component were analyzed in muscles of sea-farmed turbot Scophthalmus maximus with body weight of 730-780 g which were slaughtered live on site by spinal cord cutting (non-stressed group), stored in ice for 7 days (fresh-locking group), struggling to die (asphyxial group), held in a recycled water tank at water temperature of (13.5±0.2)℃ and then slaughtered live on site by spinal cord cutting (stress-recovery group) and died on a live fish market (dying group) to investigate the effects of slaughtering methods, iced storage stability, and stress recovery on muscle quality of turbot. It was found that slaughtering methods had a crucial effect on the muscle quality, with muscular ATP concentration of 2.95 μmol/g in the turbot in non-stressed group and totally depleted in asphyxial group. The glycogen content was shown to be decreased from 5.28 mg/g to 3.06 mg/g and pH from 7.10 to 6.61 in the turbot, the turbot in keeping fresh group showing advanced in iced storage stability. In the early stage of iced storage, IMP accumulated rapidly with the degradation of ATP, with the maximum (9.81 μmol/g) on the 2th day, and stable at a high level(6.52 μmol/g) in 6 days of storage. The muscle ATP content was found to be only 1.31 μmol/g through post-harvest and transport treatment, increasing trend in 2nd day (with the maximal value of 4.26 μmol/g), the muscular glycogen content being also recovered from 4.49 mg/g at 7th to 8.17 mg/g, indicating that stress-recovery apparently led to relief stressed live fish. The quality of local market live and dying turbot was unsatisfactory compared with the control. The muscle ATP in live group only was 1.70 μmol/g, and the dying products was almost all degraded, with serious degradation of actin and myosin. It was concluded that, the turbot in keeping fresh group had superior muscle quality than local market products, live or dying, and that the turbot in stress-recovery group showed a positive effect on recovery of live fish from post-harvest stress.
Key words:  Scophthalmus maximus    post-harvest handling    pre-slaughter stress    muscle quality
               出版日期:  2020-10-09      发布日期:  2020-10-09      期的出版日期:  2020-10-09
中图分类号:  S983  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划项目 (2018YFD0901001)
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YI Hongli, LIU Junrong, WANG Xuanfei, LENG Hanbing, TIAN Yuanyong, XU Tanye. Effects of pre-slaughter stress on muscular metabolism and quality of farmed turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 2020, 35(4): 570-576.
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