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大连海洋大学学报  2011, Vol. 26 Issue (6): 521-525    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-9957.2011.06.008
Effects of starvation and refeeding on metabolism and growth in sea urchin,Strongylocentrotus intermedius
QIN Yan-jie, LI Xia, WU Li-xin, ZHOU Yi-bing
Key Laboratory of Maline Bio-resources Sustainable Utilization in Liaoning Province, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China
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摘要 将体质量为(5.72±0.23)g的中间球海胆Strongylocentrotusintermedius分别饥饿0、3、6、9、12d(分别记为c、s3、s6、S9、S12)后再饱食投喂至30d,研究了饥饿与再投喂过程中海胆的代谢率、生长率、摄食率、食物转化率的变化。结果表明:在饥饿和再投喂过程中,s3组各指标与对照组无明显差异;s6、s9、S12组在恢复投喂过程中的一段时间内代谢率均维持较低水平,而特定生长率和食物转化率均在恢复投喂初期出现高峰。这说明S6、s9、S123个试验组海胆出现了部分补偿生长现象,这种补偿生长是再投喂后海胆通过降低代谢率及提高食物转化率来实现的。
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关键词:  中间球海胆  饥饿  再投喂  生长  代谢    
Abstract: The sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus intermedius) with body weight of (5.72±0.23) g was starved for 0 (control group, C), 3 d (S3), 6 d (S6), 9 d (S9) and 12 d (S12), and then re-fed until the 30th d to evaluate the effects of starvation on growth and metabolism in the sea urchin. The wet weight of whole body and gonad, special growth rate of body and gonad, the oxygen consumption rate, ammonia excretion rate and the food conversion efficiency were measured and calculated every five days in control group, on the day at the end of starvation, and 2, 4, 8 and 12 days after re-fed in four starved groups. Results showed that there were no significant differences in body wet weight between S3, S6 and C groups at the end of the experiment, but significandy lower in S9 and S12 than those in the control. There was significantly lower in gonad wet weight in S6, S9 and S12 compared to C and S3 at the end. The sea urchin in S6, S9 and S12 showed a peak in special growth rate in body and gonad after re-fed and lasted 3-5 days. The oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate were found to decrease for 4-8 days in s6, s9 and S12 at the beginning of re-fed. The food conversion efficiencies were increased in varying degrees after re-fed in the four experimental groups. It is indicated that the food deprivation for 6 d, 9 d and 12 d leads to part compensatory growth in the sea urchin, which are contributed in the significant decrease in metabolic rate and the increase in the food conversion efficiency during the initial stage of refeeding.
Key words:  Strongylocentrotus intermedius    starvation    refeeding    compensatory growth    metabolism
                    发布日期:  2016-12-30      期的出版日期:  2011-12-21
中图分类号:  S968.22  
秦艳杰, 李霞, 吴立新, 周一兵. 饥饿和再投喂对中间球海胆代谢和生长的影响[J]. 大连海洋大学学报, 2011, 26(6): 521-525.
QIN Yan-jie, LI Xia, WU Li-xin, ZHOU Yi-bing. Effects of starvation and refeeding on metabolism and growth in sea urchin,Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 2011, 26(6): 521-525.
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