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大连海洋大学学报  2006, Vol. 21 Issue (2): 134-140    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-9957.2006.02.009
上海水产大学海洋学院 连云港市海洋与渔业局
Species composition and biomass variation in phytoplankton in artificial reef area in Haizhou Bay
ZHANG Shuo, ZHU Kong-wen, SUN Man-chang
 1. Ocean College, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, China; 2. Hanyungang of Ocean and Fisheries, Lianyungang 222001, China
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摘要 于2003年2、7、10月和2004年2月对海州湾人工鱼礁投放海域进行了浮游植物调查。结果表明:已鉴定的浮游植物有2门16属36种,其中硅藻门占优势,有13属31种,甲藻门次之,有3属5种;浮游植物种类组成及优势种类的季节变化比较明显,前3次以硅藻占绝对优势,第4次演变为甲藻占优势;人工鱼礁区和对照区表层叶绿素a浓度为0.98~10.60mg/m^3,鱼礁区和对照区的平均值分别为6.81、6.10mg/m^3;浮游植物的生物量为41.06~706.63mg/m^3,鱼礁区和对照区的平均值分别为252.95、123.69mg/m^3;初级生产力为27.02~1222.78mgC/(m^2·d),鱼礁区和对照区的平均值分别为455.23、276.92mg C/(m^2·d);鱼礁区和对照区浮游植物的月均细胞密度最高分别为269.6×10^4、187.4×10^4 cell/m^3,最低分别为220.9×10^4、114.7×10^4 cell/m^3。被调查海区的浮游植物细胞密度和生物量具有明显的季节变化,但同一季节中,鱼礁区的生物量、营养盐含量等比投礁前有所增加。
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关键词:  海州湾  人工鱼礁  浮游植物  种类组成  生物量    
Abstract: The species composition, distribution, and seasonal and annual variations in phytoplankton in artificial reef area of Haizhou Bay were studied by the data acquired from the cruises in February, July, October, 2003 and February,2004. The results showed that there were 2 phyla, 16 genera, and 36 (mostly warm in shore) species in phytoplankton collected in Haizhou Bay. The cells and species of Bacillariophyta (13 genera and 31 species)were absolutely predominant in the species composition, and follwed by Ceratium (3 genera and 5 species). There were obvious seasonal variations in the species composition and predominant species. The cells and species of Bacillariophyta were predominant in the first 3 times investigation, but Ceratium became predominant in the last investigation. The mean value of chlorophyll a concentration was 6.81 and 6.10 mg/m^3, ranging from 0.98 to 10.60 mg/m^3 in the area of artificial reef and the control, respectively. The mean value of biomass was 252.95 mg/m^3 and 123.69 mg/m^3 ,and the biomass ranging from 41.06 to 706.63 mg/m^3 in the area of artificial reef and the control. The mean value of primary productivity were 455.23 mg C/(m^2· d) and 276.92 mg C/( m^2 · d) ,primary productivity ranging from 27.02 to 1 222.78 mg C/( m^2 · d) in the area of artificial reef and the control. The peak quantity of phytoplankton in the reef district and the control area were 269.6 ×10^4 cell/m^3 and 187.4 ×10^4 cell/m^3 and the lowest were 220.9 ×10^4 cell/m^3 and 114.7 ×10^4 cell/m^3, respectively. The biomass and quantity of phytoplankton in the reef district were higher than that in control area during the investigations, varying with season. In the same season, the biomass, and nutritiens materials in the artificial reef area were higher than those in the control area.
Key words:  Haizhou Bay    artificial reef    phytoplankton    species composition    biomass
               出版日期:  2006-04-21      发布日期:  2016-12-30      期的出版日期:  2006-04-21
中图分类号:  S953.2%Q179.1  
张硕, 朱孔文, 孙满昌. 海州湾人工鱼礁区浮游植物的种类组成和生物量[J]. 大连海洋大学学报, 2006, 21(2): 134-140.
ZHANG Shuo, ZHU Kong-wen, SUN Man-chang. Species composition and biomass variation in phytoplankton in artificial reef area in Haizhou Bay. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 2006, 21(2): 134-140.
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