

(1.上海海洋大学 省部共建水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室,水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心,上海 201306;2.上海海洋大学 国家水生动物病原库,上海 201306)

摘要:为研究宠物龟“灰白甲”病的临床症状、病理变化等,对巴西龟Trachemys scripta elegans、中华草龟Mauremys reevesii和黄头侧颈龟Podocnemis cayennensis 3种水生宠物龟的6个病例,进行了肉眼观察及暗室伍德灯下观察等临床诊断,制作石蜡切片、H.E染色、Masson三色染色及Perls blue染色等组织病理学观察。结果表明:患“灰白甲”病龟临床症状主要表现为在干露状态下肉眼观察到龟的背甲或腹甲有灰白色斑块,严重病龟整个龟甲呈灰白色等,用伍德灯照射有荧光现象;组织病理学观察显示,背甲病变处出现角蛋白纤维的坏死和碎裂,骨髓腔和脾组织大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,各组织大量黑色素沉积等。研究表明,对宠物龟龟甲人工打孔创伤,建立牙科树脂(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)密封修复,结合肌肉注射庆大霉素等抗生素的方法,可治疗甲壳疾病及其创伤。

关键词: 巴西龟;中华草龟;黄头侧颈龟;“灰白甲”病;病理学诊断


龟类甲壳出现病变的情况常发生在巴西龟Trachemys scripta elegans[1-2]、火焰龟Pseudemys concinna[1]、甜甜圈龟Pseudemys concinna[2]、地图龟Graptemys spp.[3]、沙漠陆龟Gopherus agassizii[4]等龟种,病龟的临床症状为甲壳病变处出现浅褐色凹陷或凸起、骨骼变软、灰白色及橙色等颜色破损、形状和质地的改变,所表现出的共同病理特征为病灶处广泛的骨重建[1-2,4]、嗜酸性粒细胞[2-3]和异嗜白细胞[4]等炎性细胞浸润的全身性炎症表现。目前,引起巴西龟[1]、火焰龟Pseudemys concinna[1]、沙漠陆龟Gopherus agassizii[4]、黄喉拟水龟Mauremys mutica[5-6]、平背麝香龟Sternotherus depressus[7]、亚达伯拉龟Geochelone gigantea[8-9]、加拉帕戈斯龟Chelonoidis nigra microphyes[10]、德州地鼠龟Gopherus berlandieri[11]等甲壳疾病的细菌[4-6,8-9,12]、真菌[9-11]、寄生虫[1]、水体毒素[7]等病原学和病因的研究,为龟类甲壳病相关研究奠定了基础。但对龟类患“灰白甲”病的研究极少,仅见甲壳角化不良症的沙漠陆龟[4]和甲壳镰刀菌感染症的德州地鼠龟[11] 等两种陆生龟类的研究报道,尚未见水生龟类的相关报道。本研究中,对患“灰白甲”病的3种水生宠物龟6个病例进行了器官病理和组织病理学观察比较,旨在为该类疾病的病因分析和发病机理提供科学依据,并为临床诊断和控制提供参考。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

2017年9月,收集家庭饲养的具有灰白甲症状的各种宠物龟若干只于上海海洋大学大学水族宠物医学实验室,从中选择症状典型的2只巴西龟(1号,背甲长为7.7 cm,体质量为0.09 kg,雌性;2号,背甲长为9.7 cm,体质量为0.15 kg,雄性),2只中华草龟(3号,背甲长为6 cm,体质量为0.048 kg,雄性;4号,背甲长为15 cm,体质量为0.626 kg,雌性),2只黄头侧颈龟(5号,背甲长为14 cm,体质量为0.402 kg,雌性;6号,背甲长为13.2 cm,体质量为0.346 kg,雌性)。集中饲养在长×宽为120 cm×40 cm、深度为8~10 cm的带有过滤装置的室内龟缸中,稳定水温为27~29 ℃,用龟粮(Hikari)和鲜虾肉饲喂。正式试验时禁食。试验龟编号(1~6号)通过留下与托盘上数字代码的合照影像识别,并进行临床体检以确定性别和健康状况,排除患有其他疾病的试验龟。将其中3只龟(1号、4号、5号)作为组织病理试验用龟,将另外3只龟(2号、3号、6号)作为活体龟背甲采样试验用龟。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 3种病龟的临床症状与病理解剖观察 试验开始时评估每只病龟背甲和腹甲病变的范围,通过肉眼观察和暗室伍德灯(七外光品牌,008号,5颗灯珠)下观察,加以验证,取巴西龟1号、中华草龟4号和黄头侧颈龟5号进行临床症状观察和病理解剖,记录龟体表和脏器的病理变化,以确定病变部位或器官。试验龟干露湿身和干身状态时,分别采集图片,做出3种病龟临床症状和病理解剖特征描述和诊断。

1.2.2 3种病龟组织病理制片和观察 将巴西龟1号、中华草龟4号、黄头侧颈龟5号肌肉注射舒泰25 mg/kg 进行麻醉[13],用冲击电钻(欧莱德)进行直径1 cm的龟甲全厚度取样,在EDTA脱钙液中脱钙20 d。取龟甲样品后解剖,取病龟的心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肠道和胰腺等重要脏器,切成约5 mm组织块,置于10%中性甲醛中固定24 h后,冲水5 h。用体积分数为50%~100%的乙醇溶液对试验龟甲和组织块逐级脱水,透明。于56~58 ℃下用石蜡包埋,切片厚度为5~7 μm,并于60 ℃下烘片1 h,用Masson三色法和Perls blue法对试验龟甲染色,用H.E法对试验龟甲及其重要脏器组织染色,中性树胶封片,于徕卡DM3000显微镜下观察、拍照。

1.2.3 活体龟背甲可恢复采样方法 将巴西龟2号、中华草龟3号、黄头侧颈龟6号肌肉注射舒泰25 mg/kg 进行麻醉[13],在病龟背甲病灶确定采样位置,用酒精消毒,使用冲击电钻(欧莱德)环形直径1 cm的钻头,进行龟甲全厚度取样(图1-A)。取得样品后的创伤空洞, 用牙科树脂(靓雅)密封[3,9,14],用0.9%无菌生理盐水冲洗,将EDTA溶液涂抹创面,涂上酸蚀剂(杭州西湖巴尔)15 s后用生理盐水清洗,再将黏结剂(杭州西湖巴尔)涂抹于整个洞壁(图1-B),直接涂抹第二层黏结剂,15 s后轻吹约2 s,用标准光固化灯(靓雅)光照20 s使牙科树脂固化,进行空洞填充(图1-C)。采样完毕的试验龟干养24 h后,将其移至室内龟缸中,后腿基部肌肉注射硫酸庆大霉素注射液(山西省芮城科龙兽药),剂量为40 mg/kg体质量,每隔24 h 注射一次,共注射7次。

2 结果与分析

2.1 3种病龟的临床症状与病理解剖特征

2.1.1 3种病龟的临床症状及其比较 3种病龟患病后活动、摄食情况未见异常,除背腹面甲壳表面产生部分或全部 “灰白甲”病变的临床症状外,体表、四肢和头颈均未见其他异常(图2)。3种病龟早期症状为背甲上出现零星灰白色点状病灶,随着病情的发展,背甲零星白点病灶连成大的白斑病灶(图2-B),继续发展背甲小部分或一半(图2-C)变成灰白色病灶,最终达到整个背甲或腹甲形成灰白色病灶(图2-A)。背甲灰白色病灶质地粗糙,角质片易剥落(图2-A)。在黑暗环境中,用伍德灯照射3种病龟背部和腹部,灰白色病灶产生明显的荧光现象(图3),未病变部分未出现荧光现象(图3-C),巴西龟(图3-A)和黄头侧颈龟(图3-C)的甲片接缝间(生长纹)都未产生病变,而中华草龟病变明显(图3-B)。伍德灯检验与肉眼观察一致且更加清晰准确,适合临床检查诊断。3种病龟的背甲皆比腹甲病变早且更为明显。

2.1.2 3种病龟的病理解剖特征及其比较 临床解剖观察可见,1号和4号病龟脂肪块呈黑色(图4-A、B),4号和5号病龟肝呈黑褐色颜色异常、体积肿大(图4-B、C、E、F),1号病龟肝呈黄褐色颜色异常(图4-A、D),4号病龟肝脏上有白色结节、脾肿大(图4-E),其他器官未见明显异常。

2.2 3种病龟背甲病变及其比较

2.2.1 3种病龟背甲全厚度横切面的基本结构 龟背甲由角质层、密质层和松质层构成(图5-A、D),Masson三色染色的2号巴西(图5-A)、3号中华草龟(图5-B)和6号黄头侧颈龟(图5-C)背甲分层比H.E染色(图5-D、E、F)更清晰。可见,水生龟类的背甲结构独特,由外向内分别为角质层、表皮层、真皮层、骨髓腔、骨小梁、骨内膜、骨外膜等层状结构(图5-B、E、C、F)。

注:A 使用冲击钻进行病变处背甲的全厚度采样;B 使用牙科树脂进行空洞填充封闭;C使用标准光固化灯固化填充牙科树脂

Note: A,a full thickness shell biopsy sampled from the dorsal carapace lesion area with a trephine;B, the cavity is covered and sealed with methyl methacrylate;C, polymerization of the methyl methacrylate was performed with a wireless curing light of 1000 nm wavelength

图1 麻醉后对2号巴西龟背甲采样及封闭操作

Fig.1 Sampling and sealing operation of dorsal carapace of sample No.2 turtle Trachemys scripta elegans after anesthesia

注:A为 1号巴西龟背甲,小图示灰白色病灶剥落区域(←);B为 4号中华草龟背甲;C为 5号黄头侧颈龟背甲,小图示灰白甲与未病变区域(←);D为 1号巴西龟腹甲;E为 4号中华草龟腹甲;F为 5号黄头侧颈龟腹甲

Note: A,the dorsal carapace of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans,insert shows area peeled off in gray-white lesion(←); B,the dorsal carapace of the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii;C,the dorsal carapace of the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis,insert shows the junction of the gray-white lesion area and the non-lesion area(←); D,the ventral plastron of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans;E,the ventral plastron of the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii;F,the ventral plastron of the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis

图2 3种病龟背腹甲在自然光下的“灰白甲”临床症状

Fig.2 Clinical symptoms of dorsal carapace and ventral plastron in three morbid turtles in daylight

注:A为 1号巴西龟背甲,小图示未产生荧光现象甲片接缝间新生长角蛋白(←);B为4号中华草龟背甲;C为5号黄头侧颈龟背甲,小图示灰白甲与未病变区域(←);D为 1号巴西龟腹甲;E为 4号中华草龟腹甲;F为 5号黄头侧颈龟腹甲

Note: A,the dorsal carapace of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans,insert shows new growth keratin between seams of scutes that do not produce fluorescence(←); B,the dorsal carapace of the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii;C,the dorsal carapace of the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis,insert shows the junction of the gray-white lesion area and the non-lesion area(←); D,the ventral plastron of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans;E,the ventral plastron of the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii;F,the ventral plastron of the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis

图3 3种病龟背腹甲在伍德灯下的荧光现象

Fig.3 Clinical symptoms of dorsal carapace and ventral plastron in three morbid turtles under the Wood lamp

2.2.2 3种病龟背甲全厚度横切面病理变化 病龟背甲全厚度横切面角质层的胶原纤维结构稀疏、变形、坏死碎裂和脱落,在2号巴西龟(图6-A)、3号中华草龟(图6-B)、6号黄头侧颈龟(图6-C)中均有表现, 其中,2号巴西龟(图6-D)、3号中华草龟(图6-E)和6号黄头侧颈龟(图6-F)背甲各层中均分布大量黑色素,为“灰白甲”症状提供了组织病理佐证。背甲松质骨层骨髓腔浸润大量的嗜酸性粒细胞及大量黑色素沉积(图6-G、H、I),松质骨层骨髓腔浸润的嗜酸性粒细胞明显(图6-J、K、L),为灰白甲症状提供了组织炎症的病理佐证。

注: A为 1号巴西龟,异常脂肪块(←);B为 4号中华草龟,异常脂肪块(↑);C为 5号黄头侧颈龟;D为 1号巴西龟的内脏团, HE为心,LI为肝,PA为胰腺,LU为肺,SP为脾,KI为肾,IN为肠道;E为 4号中华草龟的内脏团,脾脏红肿(△),肝呈黄褐色颜色异常(▲);F为 5号黄头侧颈龟的内脏团, 肝呈黄褐色颜色异常(▲)

Note: A,the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans,denatured fat(←); B,the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii, denatured fat(↑); C,the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis; D,internal organs from the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans; HE,heart;LI,liver;PA,pancreas;LU,lung;SP,spleen;KI,kidney;IN,intestine; E,internal organs from the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii, the spleen is red and swollen(△), with yellow-brown color abnormal liver(▲);F,internal organs from the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensi, with yellow-brown color abnormal liver(▲)

图4 3种病龟的内脏器官病理解剖特征

Fig.4 Pathological anatomical features of internal organs of three morbid turtles

注: A、B、C分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟,Masson三色染色; D、E、F分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟,H.E染色。CU为角质层;COB为密质骨层;CAB为松质骨层;EP为表皮层;DE为真皮层;BM为骨外膜;MS为骨髓腔;TB为骨小梁;EN为骨内膜

Note: A,B and C,the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans, No.3 Mauremys reevesii,and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis, Masson stain, respectively;D,E and F,the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans, No.3 Mauremys reevesii, and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis, H.E stain, respectively.CU,cuticle;COB,compact bone;CAB,cancellous bone;EP,epidermis;DE,dermis;BM,bone membrane;MS,marrow space;TB,trabecular bone;EN,endosteal

图5 3种病龟病变处背甲全厚度横切面的基本结构

Fig.5 Physiological structure of the full thickness of dorsal carapace lesion on transversal section in three morbid turtles

注: A、B、C分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟碎裂的角蛋白纤维(←)表皮层、真皮层和密质骨层;D、E、F分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟角质层;G、H、I分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟松质骨层;J、K、L分别为 2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟松质骨层骨髓腔;△示嗜酸性粒细胞;▲示黑色素

Note: A,B and C, the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans, No.3 Mauremys reevesii, and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis,showing epidermal, dermis and dense bone layers of broken fibrillar keratin(←), respectively;D,E and F, cuticle of the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans, No.3 Mauremys reevesii, and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis;G,H and I, cancellous bone of the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans, No.3 Mauremys reevesii, and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis, respectively; J,K and L, the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans, No.3 Mauremys reevesii, and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis, showing cancellous bone of marrow space, respectively; △,eosinophils;▲,melanin

图6 3种病龟背甲全厚度横切面的病理变化(H.E染色)

Fig.6 Pathological changes on the full thickness transverse section of dorsal carapace lesion in three morbid turtles(H.E stain)

2.2.3 3种病龟背甲全厚度纵切面H.E染色病理结果 3种病龟背甲松质骨层骨髓腔浸润存在大量的嗜酸性粒细胞及黑色素沉积(图7-A、B、C)。背甲表皮层、真皮层和密质骨层中存在黑色素,6号黄头侧颈龟分布最多(图7-I),其次是2号巴西龟(图7-D、G)和3号中华草龟(图7-H、K)。

2.2.4 3种病龟背甲全厚度纵切面Perls blue染色结果 2号巴西龟松质骨层骨髓腔中存在大量黑色素细胞(图7-J), 3号中华草龟真皮层中存在大量黑色素细胞(图7-K),6号黄头侧颈龟松质骨层骨髓腔中也存在大量黑色素细胞(图7-L),但均未见含铁血黄素。

注: A、B分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟松质骨层,H.E染色;C为6号黄头侧颈龟密质层和松质骨层交汇处破骨细胞(←),H.E染色;D、E分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟松质骨层骨髓腔,H.E染色;F为6号黄头侧颈龟密质层和松质骨层交汇处骨髓腔,H.E染色;G、H、I分别为2号巴西龟、3号中华草龟和6号黄头侧颈龟真皮层,H.E染色;J为2号巴西龟松质骨层骨髓腔,Perls blue染色;K为3号中华草龟真皮层,Perls blue染色;L为6号黄头侧颈龟松质骨层骨髓腔,Perls blue染色;△示嗜酸性粒细胞;▲示黑色素

Note: A and B,cancellous bone of the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans and No.3 Mauremys reevesii,H.E stain, respectively; C, osteoclasts at connection of dense layer and cancellous bone layer of the sample No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis(←),H.E stain;D and E, the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans and No.3 Mauremys reevesii,showing cancellous bone of marrow space in at connection of dense layer and cancellous bone layer, H.E stain, respectively; F, the sample No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis,showing the marrow spaces,H.E stain; G,H and I, dermis of the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans,No.3 Mauremys reevesii, and No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis, H.E stain; J, dermis of the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans,showing cancellous bone of marrow space,Perls blue stain; K, dermis of the sample No.3 Mauremys reevesii,Perls blue stain;L,the sample No.6 Podocnemis cayennensis, showing the cancellous bone of marrow space,Perls blue stain;△,eosinophils;▲,melanin

图7 3种病龟背甲全厚度纵切面的病理变化(H.E染色和Perls blue染色)

Fig.7 Pathological changes on the full thickness longitudinal section of dorsal carapace lesion in three morbid turtles(H.E stain and Perls blue stain)

2.3 3种病龟主要组织器官的病变及其比较


注:A、B、C分别为1号巴西龟、4号中华草龟和5号黄头侧颈龟脾组织炎症病灶(←↑),小图示浸润的嗜酸性粒细胞;D、E、F分别为1号巴西龟、4号中华草龟和5号黄头侧颈龟胰腺组织,管壁增厚(△);G为 1号巴西龟肾脏组织;H为 4号中华草龟坏死肾脏组织,空泡化肾小管(>);I为 5号黄头侧颈龟肾脏组织局部炎症病灶(←),肾小管扩张病灶(▲),小图示浸润的嗜酸性粒细胞;J为 1号巴西龟肝小叶;K为 4号中华草龟肝组织肉芽肿(←),小图示浸润的嗜酸性粒细胞;L为 5号黄头侧颈龟肝组织(肝小叶)

Note: A,B and C,the inflammatory lesion of the spleen of sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans,No.4 Mauremys reevesii, and No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis(←↑),insert showing infiltrating eosinophils, respectively; D,E and F,the pancreas of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans,No.4 Mauremys reevesii, and No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis, showing wall thickening(△), respectively; G,the renal tissue of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans;H,the necrosis renal tissue and vacuolization tubular of the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii(>);I,the local inflammatory lesions in renal tissue of the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis(←),showing renal tubular dilatation(▲), insert showing infiltrating eosinophils;J,the liver lobule of the sample No.1 Trachemys scripta elegans;K,the liver tissue granuloma lesions inflammation of the sample No.4 Mauremys reevesii, insert showing infiltrating eosinophils(←);L,the liver lobule of the sample No.5 Podocnemis cayennensis

图8 3种病龟脾、胰腺、肾、肝、心脏、肺、肠道组织病理变化(H.E染色)

Fig.8 Pathological changes of spleen, pancreas, kidney, liver, heart, lung and intestine of three morbid turtles(H.E stain)

2.4 活体龟背甲可恢复采样结果



Note: A, wound after sampling with trephine;B, wound is covered and sealed using methylmethacrylate;C, healing intact from development of new tissues

图9 2号巴西龟背甲采样后康复

Fig.9 Restore of the dorsal carapace of the sample No.2 Trachemys scripta elegans exposed to sampling

3 讨论

3.1 宠物龟 “灰白甲”病的组织病理学诊断



患 “灰白甲”病的3种水生宠物龟的临床症状和甲壳病理变化与美国加利福尼亚州的莫哈韦沙漠、科罗拉多沙漠中的沙漠陆龟的甲壳角化不良症[4],以及美国德克萨斯州南部的德州地鼠龟的甲壳镰刀菌感染症[10]相似,因上述文献缺乏器官组织病理研究结果,而无法比较。“灰白甲”病与巴西龟[1-2]、火焰龟[1]、甜甜圈龟[2]、地图龟[3]的壳病,黄喉拟水龟的腐壳病[5]与体表溃疡[6],平背麝香龟[7]及亚达伯拉龟中拟青霉引起的肥厚菌病[8],真空辅助闭合治疗乌龟深部脓肿和骨髓炎[9],以及加拉帕戈斯龟甲壳病[10]的临床症状和组织病理特征不同。内脏组织嗜酸性粒细胞浸润的组织病理特征在养殖菱斑龟代谢性肝病[15]和中华草龟恩诺沙星中毒症[16]中均有提到。脾是龟重要的免疫器官,脾中不正常的高嗜酸性粒细胞数量与寄生虫感染(如原生动物、蠕虫)或其他的抗原刺激有关[17]


3.2 伍德灯和牙科树脂在龟壳病诊断和治疗上的应用


3种龟龟甲皆由骨质板及覆盖于骨质板外的角质盾所构成[19],龟壳骨质板与动物骨骼结构相似,分为密质层和松质层两部分[20-21]。宠物龟使用冲击电钻进行的龟甲全厚度取样,取得样品后的创伤空洞, 用牙科树脂(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)密封,这种活体龟背甲可恢复采样方法非常适用,可用于甲壳疾病和创伤的临床治疗[3,9,14]

3.3 宠物龟“灰白甲”病的病理机制及其危害



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Histopathology of ‘grey-white clinical symptoms of carapace’in three species of pet turtles

BAO Xiaoying1,PANG Wei1, PAN Liande1,2*, ZHANG Xiaoyu1

(1.Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources, Ministry of Education,National Demonstration Center for Experimental Fisheries Science Education,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;2.National Pathogen Library of Aquatic Animals,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306, China)

AbstractClinical diagnosis and histopathology were investigated in six cases of ‘grey-white clinical symptoms of carapace’ disease in three species of aquatic pet turtles, Trachemys scripta elegans, Mauremys reevesii and Podocnemis cayennensis by observation by naked eyes, Wood Lamp observation in darkroom, and paraffin section with H.E staining, Masson three-color dyeing and Perls blue dyeing in order to explore the clinical symptoms and pathological changes in ‘grey-white clinical symptoms of the carapace’ disease in the pet turtle.The results showed that clinical symptoms of the ‘grey-white clinical symptoms of the carapace’ diseased turtle were primarily characterized by the appearance of gray-white plaque on the carapace or plastron under dry condition, or gray and white color on whole shell in severe diseased turtles,and fluorescent under the Wood lamp in either case.The pathological anatomy, H.E stain,Masson stain and Perls blue stain of paraffin sections of the main organ tissues and the full-thickness ‘lesioned’ shell tissues indicate that the ‘grey-white clinical symptoms of the carapace’ disease makes the pet turtle suffering from necrosis and fragmentation of fibrillar keratin of the carapace lesion, eosinophil infiltration in the bone marrow space and spleen tissue, and intensive melanin deposition in tissues.For the artificial perforation of pet turtle shells, the establishment of dental resin(methyl methacrylate)seal repair, combined with intramuscular injection of gentamicin, can be applicable to related researches and applied in clinical treatment of shell diseases and the relative lesions.

Key wordsTrachemys scripta elegansMauremys reevesiiPodocnemis cayennensis;‘grey-white clinical symptom of the carapace’ disease;pathological diagnosis







