鱼糜技术具有一定的局限性,在蛋白质的回收率、脱脂、脱色和脱臭等方面尚有很大的提升空间。新兴的分离鱼蛋白(Fish protein isolate,FPI)技术是基于等电点絮凝原理的鱼蛋白分离回收方法,包括酸溶(AC-FPI)及碱溶(AL-FPI)两种处理方法。1999年,Hultin等[2]采用pH调节法有效地解决了鱼糜技术的部分局限性:第一,原料来源广泛,能够把传统饲料级低值鱼蛋白原料分别制成食品级、饲料级产品;第二,可大大提高蛋白质回收率且脱脂效果显著;第三,较好地保留了蛋白质的凝胶形成能力;第四,大大降低了废水排放量,废水中含氮量、化学需氧量等指标显著低于鱼糜废水。国内针对罗非鱼的研究得到了相同结果[3-4]。研究表明,无论是传统鱼糜技术还是新兴蛋白分离技术,目标均是得到脱脂、脱色、浓缩的鱼蛋白基料,即FAO定义的浓缩鱼蛋白(Fish protein concentrate,FPC)[5-6]。本研究中,根据国内外现有的研究进展,从鱼蛋白的分离回收、脱脂与脱色效果,以及分离蛋白的凝胶特性等方面,比较了Surimi与FPI技术对鱼蛋白回收及性质的影响。
鱼种fishspecies鱼糜技术Surimi碱溶方法AL-FPI酸溶方法AC-FPI文献来源referencesresources斑点叉尾鮰Ictaluruspunctatus62 370 371 5Kristinsson等[7]马鲛Scomberomorusniphonius54 169 373 6Kristinsson等[7]黄花鱼Sciaenidae59 358 981 2Kristinsson等[7]鲻Mugilcephalus57 765 078 7Kristinsson等[7]鲱Clupeaharengus—68 0±4 474 0±4 8Undeland等[8]鳟Oncorhynchusmykiss—77 7~88 081 0~89 0Chen等[9]罗非鱼Orechromisniloticus67 9±0 771 5±9 781 4±4 1Rawdkuen等[10]斑点叉尾鮰∗Ictaluruspunetaus—82 185 8Kristinsson等[11]沙丁鱼Sardinapilchardus—77 073 0Batista等[12]罗非鱼Orechromisniloticus骨副产物—19 216 8Chomnarong等[13]罗非鱼Orechromisniloticus—61 0~68 056 0~61 0Kristinsson等[14]太平洋无须鳕Merlucciusproductus44 0——Choi等[15]沙丁鱼Opisthonemalibertate38 2±5 8—64 2±3 2Cortes-Ruis等[16]
Note:*,processing without centrifugation,et sequentia
值得注意的是,等电点絮凝法回收蛋白质的前提是蛋白质的溶出,蛋白质的两性特点使得其在极端pH下,由于其氨基酸残基侧链基团带净正电荷或净负电荷,蛋白质发生溶解。研究表明,影响鱼肉蛋白质溶出的因素很多,鲱肌肉蛋白质在pH 为2.7和10.8时,分别溶解了92%和88%[8]。然而,在pH为3~4和pH为10~11时,肌肉粒度较大,部分可溶性蛋白质被未溶出物包裹脱除,回收率降低。随着酸碱强度的增加,高净电荷引起分子内的静电斥力增强,蛋白质分子肿胀展开,肌肉粒度减小[3],回收率提高。
1.2.1 脱脂效果 在Surimi技术中,原料中大部分三酰基甘油酯在去头、去皮、去内脏和水洗过程中已脱除[1]。在FPI技术中,脂质的脱除受到原料、肌肉粒度和离心处理等因素的影响。表2归纳了用FPI法和Surimi法对不同原料中脂质的脱除效果。从表2可知,FPI技术的脱脂效果优于Surimi技术,AL-FPI法优于AC-FPI法。Kristinsson等[11]采用AC-FPI、AL-FPI和Surimi法分别脱除斑点叉尾鮰肌肉中85.4%±2.0%、88.6%±2.8%和58.3%±7.8%的脂质。此外,高速离心处理显著影响肌肉中脂质的脱除效果,Kristinsson等[11]研究表明,若无高速离心处理时,AC-FPI、AL-FPI法对斑点叉尾鮰肌肉中脂质的脱除率从85.4%±2.0%和88.6%±2.8%分别降至45.4%±4.4%和61.2%±6.3%。
FPI技术难以脱除鱼体肌肉组织中的膜脂,例如鲱碎肉经过FPI技术处理后,膜脂脱除率为46%[8]。Liang等[21-22]在真鳕Gadusmorhua肉浆中加入CaCl2/MgCl2、柠檬酸,脱除了肌肉中90%的膜脂;此后,Liang等[23]在酸性和碱性真鳕肉浆中加入相对分子质量为310 000~375 000的壳聚糖,能够分别脱除约55%和80%的膜脂,对照组约为31%,这主要是因为壳聚糖含有大量正电荷,能够与带负电荷的膜脂聚合沉淀而脱除。
鱼种fishspecies鱼糜技术Surimi碱溶方法AL-FPI酸溶方法AC-FPI文献来源referencesresources黄花鱼Sciaenidae16 768 438 1Kristinsson等[7]鲻Mugilcephalus10 481 458 0Kristinsson等[7]马鲛Scomberomorusniphonius72 179 176 9Kristinsson等[7]斑点叉尾鮰Ictaluruspunctatus58 3±7 888 6±2 885 4±2 0Kristinsson等[11]斑点叉尾鮰∗Ictaluruspunctatus—61 2±6 345 4±4 4Kristinsson等[11]
Note:*,the processing without centrifugation
1.2.2 脱色效果 表3归纳了用不同鱼种制备Surimi及其凝胶和FPI及其凝胶的白度。从表3可见,大部分研究表明,Surimi及其凝胶的白度高于FPI及其凝胶[7,15-16,24-26],这是由于色素蛋白通过等电点絮凝一并被回收所致。
注: 1为白度最高,2、3、4为白度不断降低
Note:1,the whitest gel;2-4,the whiteness of gel is weaker in the comparison
鱼种 fishspecies鱼糜凝胶Surimigel碱溶法分离蛋白凝胶AL-FPIgel酸溶法分离蛋白凝胶AC-FPIgel 文献来源 referencesresources黄花鱼Sciaenidae213Kristinsson等[7]鲻Mugilcephalus213Kristinsson等[7]马鲛Scomberomorusniphonius213Kristinsson等[7]斑点叉尾鮰Ictaluruspunctatus213Kristinsson等[7]鲱(贮藏)Clupeaharengus—21Undeland等[8]鲱Clupeaharengus—12Undeland等[8]太平洋鳕Merlucciusproductus1—2Choi等[15]沙丁鱼Opisthonemalibertate1—2Cortes-Ruis等[16]太平洋鳕Merlucciusproductus123Thawornchinsombut等[29]竹荚鱼Trachurusjaponicus123Park等[30]鲐Pneumatophorusjaponicus123Park等[30]太平洋鳕Merlucciusproductus—12Kim等[31]斑点叉尾鮰Ictaluruspunctatus—12Davenport等[32]
注: 1为凝胶强度最高;2为凝胶强度次高;3为凝胶强度最差
Note:1,the strongest gel in the comparison;2,next to 1 in strength gel;3,the weakest gel
微生物的种类和数量是影响Surimi和FPI的生产及贮藏的另一重要因素,由原料的捕捞和加工环境所决定。Surimi和FPI法均能不同程度地杀灭并抑制微生物生长,然而在贮藏过程中却有不同程度的变化。Kristinsson等[7]监测了斑点叉尾鮰碎肉、Surimi和FPI在冰藏10 d后细菌总数的变化,结果表明,鲜肉中细菌总数从6.32×103CFU/g增加到7.71×105CFU/g,Surimi从2.38×103CFU/g增加到1.55×106CFU/g,AC-FPI从1.45×103CFU/g增加到2.45×104CFU/g,AL-FPI从1.00×103CFU/g降至3×102CFU/g。
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Abstract:Research and development of conventional surimi technique and novel fish protein isolate (FPI) process in fish processing industry are reviewed in detail from the view of food protein ingredients. Several key points are compared between Surimi and FPI including yield of fish protein concentrate (FPC) products, lipid reduction, decolourization, especially gel forming properties of various FPC. FPI process is usually shown to hold higher protein yield than surimi process, more recovered protein in acid-FPI(AC-FPI) process than in alkaline-FPI (AL-FPI) process. More lipid is effectively removed by FPI process compared with by surimi process which had similar decolourization effects to AL-FPI process in whiteness. But AL-FPI process has whiter products than AC-FPI process. In general, little difference in gel forming properties is found between surimi gel and AL-FPI gel, higher gel forming capacities than AC-FPI gel. Furthermore, the best lipid oxidation stability is observed in AL-FPI and its gel during storage, followed by surimi and surimi gel, the least in AC-FPI and its gel. It is suggested that the research and application of FPI technology be initial from low value fish protein resources, focusing on the structural changes in proteins based on food functional properties of protein.
Key words:fish protein isolate (FPI); frozen surimi; gel forming property